life through my lens

my passion is travel; my enjoyment photography

The Geoffrey Chaucer window in Southwark Cathedral

The Geoffrey Chaucer window in Southwark Cathedral. The window depicts pilgrims setting out from the nearby Tabard Inn (demolished in 1875) to Canterbury, as recalled in his Canterbury Tales.

The Geoffrey Chaucer window in Southwark Cathedral.

The Geoffrey Chaucer window in Southwark Cathedral.

Chaucer would have visited the church before his pilgrimage to Canterbury in 1368. One of the places I visited before I set off on my pilgrimage #inthefootstepsofChaucer last month. The volunteers at the church were just amazing, so helpful and interested in what I was doing.

Geoffrey Chaucer (c1340-1400)

August 10, 2017 - Posted by | famous people of the uk, history of the uk, my life, places that I've been, Project 101, travel, walks in the uk | , , , ,

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